Certified Agents: Frequently Asked Questions
Agents / FAQs
The application to become a Certified NBPA Agent will be posted on the Becoming An Agent section of NBPA.com during the applicable application window. The application window for the 2023.24 NBPA Agent Certification exam will open on September 1, 2024 and close on October 31, 2024.
Applications must be submitted electronically. Submissions received by mail will not be accepted. Application fees must also be sent electronically and must be received at the time of submission of an application.
Payment plans and/or extensions for the NBPA Agent Exam are not available. Applications submitted without sufficient funds for the full application fee will be denied and applicants will be subject to additional fees should they reapply in the future.
Yes -- Within the application you will indicate that you are a non-U.S. citizen and will be directed to provide any necessary additional documents required for international applicants.
Yes, to preview a sample submitted NBPA Agent Application, please see below:
Sample 2021 NBPA Agent Application
All returning applicants will need to resubmit a complete application during the application window, including submitting all relevant application fees and successfully completing a background investigation.
A College or University recognized by the U.S. Department of Education and the Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA), or the Office of Degree Authorization (ODA). Any foreign institution must have the foreign equivalent of U.S. approved accreditation as determined by the Office of Degree Authorization.
CLICK HERE for U.S. Accredited Colleges or Universities
The NBPA no longer offers a review session prior to the exam, as we are now supplying all applicants with an abundance of educational resources once an application payment is received.
The NBPA does not provide official practice exams, however, sample exam questions can be found at the bottom of this section. Additionally, the educational resources provided may contain practice exams, although these are not officially endorsed by the NBPA.
The Agent exam is authored and administered only by the NBPA and no external entities are consulted or granted access to the contents of the exam, which may change from year to year. Applicants are encouraged to be cautious of third parties seeking payment in exchange for preparation courses or claiming to have the ability to certify an individual as a NBPA Agent.
While agents should be familiar with the CBA in its entirety, for the purposes of the exam, the following sections of the CBA may be used a guideline for what is covered on the exam:
Article II
Article VII (excluding subsection1)
Article VIII
Article IX
Article X
Article XI
Article XII
Article XXIV
Article XXV
Article XXVII
Article XXIX
Article XXXVI
Article XLI
Exhibit A-C
Question 1: The Nuggets have $10M in Room under the Salary Cap at the start of the 2023 off season. They then sign Jim Denver, who played the prior season with the Phoenix Suns, to a 1-year $10M contract. Next, the Nuggets want to sign Max Holloway, an undrafted rookie to a 1-year contract paying him the highest salary possible.
How much can they pay Holloway?
a) $1,119,563 – using the Minimum Salary Exception
b) $2,019,706 – using the 2nd Round Pick Exception
c) $7,723,000 – using the Mid-Level for Room Exception
d) $12,405,000 – using the Non-Taxpayer Mid-Level Exception
Correct Answer: C. A team doesn't get to use BOTH Salary Cap Room AND the Non-Taxpayer, Taxpayer or Bi-Annual Exception. Once they create Room, the exceptions essentially are replaced by the Room. The only "exception" to this general principle for a Free Agent (other than the 1-year minimum salary, which teams can always give), is the "Room Exception," which is specifically granted for teams that go under the Salary Cap to use Room. They get rewarded by having this additional exception to sign an additional player.
Question 2: The Jazz want to trade Bob Cousy, who was signed to a one-year contract for $4M on July 10, 2023, to the Magic; only $2M of Cousy's Salary is protected for Skill and Injury/Illness. The Jazz are interested in trading only Cousy and no other players. Additionally, no matter how the trade is structured, the Jazz will be under the Luxury Tax after the trade.
What is the maximum amount of Salary the Jazz can receive in the trade?
a) $2,000,000
b) $3,600,000
c) $4,250,000
d) $8,250,000
Correct Answer: C. Teams below the First Apron can receive 200% of a player's Salary back in a trade, plus $250,000. While the player may make $4m this year, for trade purposes a player is considered to make only what they have earned/guaranteed this season. Since the player is only guaranteed $2M, it is $2M*2+$250,000= $4.25M.
Question 3: Gary Warren terminates his SPAC with his Agent on August 15, 2023. When can you sign Gary to a new SPAC?
a) August 16, 2023
b) August 30, 2023
c) September 15, 2023
d) August 16, 2024
Correct Answer: B. After the 15-day cooling off period has expired.
If you do not pass this year's exam you will receive a refund of the prorated dues amount. You may reapply during the following application window. At this time, there is not a limit for the number of times an applicant may sit for the exam.
You may begin to hold yourself out as a Certified NBPA Agent upon notification that you have passed the NBPA exam and have received of your Certificate.
Be advised that passing the exam is a requirement for certification. If you hold yourself out or act in any capacity as an NBPA Agent prior to passing the exam, your application for certification may be denied.
Your certification as an NBPA Agent only grants you the ability to represent and negotiate contracts on behalf of NBA players. Please contact the appropriate regulating bodies for information pertaining to certification requirements of NCAA and international players (FIBA). Additionally, please note that there are also State and Federal regulations which govern individuals involved with amateur or professional athletes. To view your state’s requirements, please click here.
After becoming certified, your next responsibility is to attend one of the three Agent Seminars offered towards the end conclusion of the then current Season. You must attend one Seminar for the first three years of your certification and may opt-out every other year thereafter. The Seminars are one day (usually around 8 hours) and are traditionally offered in LA, Chicago, and NYC. Agents are responsible for travel and lodging. Please be advised that the requirements for attending Agent Seminars are subject to change at any time at the sole discretion of the NBPA
In addition to attending the Agent Seminar, agents must submit their annual dues payment by July 1 every year. An applicant who is certified in January/February will be required to make their initial dues payment on July 1 in order to remain certified for the upcoming NBA Season.
The annual fee is currently $2,500 and is due on July 1st. Please note that the fee associated with your application is prorated for the remainder of that season. Six months post certification, you will be required to pay an additional $2,500 for the upcoming season in order to maintain your certification. For example agents certified after the 2022 exam will be required to make their first annual dues payment on July 1, 2022.
After an agent’s initial 6-months of certification, agent dues are applied on a per season (July 1–June 30) and are calculated based on the number of players an certified Agent represented from the previous season:
For Agents with 0-9 players: $2,500.00
For Agents with 10-19 players: $5,000.00
For Agents with 20 players or more: $7,500.00
The NBPA has a thorough review process for each applicant who wishes to become a certified NBPA Agent. Below is a breakdown of the application process:
Step 1 - Complete your application and submit the required payment. Once your application is submitted and your payment is received, your application undergoes an initial review process to ensure all sections are complete and all necessary documents and information are submitted.
Step 2 - Upon confirmation of payment you will receive access to educational resources that will help you prepare for the exam.
Step 3 - Your application will then be subject to review and a background investigation will be conducted. Prior to conducting a background investigation, you will receive communications from Global Background Services, our outside background investigation service. This phase entails verification of the information provided on your application, including verification of your education, professional certificates, work experience, civil and criminal history, as well as your social media platforms.
Additionally, you may be contacted by a member of the NBPA Legal department should there be any questions or concerns regarding your results. If so, you will be asked to provide additional details and may be required to provide supporting documentation.
Tip: It is better to disclose anything that may come up during your background investigation within your application for two reasons; (1) to avoid delay in the application process should we be inclined to follow up for additional information and (2) failure to disclose material facts about your history may result in denial of your application. Please note, failure to disclose any material fact may impact the decision to approve or deny your application.
Step 4 - Applicants will receive notice (via email) whether or not they are approved to take the upcoming Agent Exam. Approved applicants will be provided with details such as exam date and time.
Step 5 - Study! The CBA sections covered in the exam, as well as sample exam questions are available within this FAQ. Please read the FAQ section thoroughly.
Step 6 - Sit for the examination. The exam is scheduled each year between January and March and is administered virtually. Please be advised that the NBPA will administer only one exam each year.
Step 7 - Examination results are typically distributed within two to three weeks from the date of the exam. Applicants will be notified that they either passed or failed the exam. Applicants will not be able to review the exam, their answers, or the results. Applicants who did not successfully pass the exam will be informed of the refund process. Those who pass the exam will be provided their NBPA Agent Certification, credentials to access the NBPA Agent Portal and additional relevant resources.
During the application review process, please do not inquire about the status of your application. Due to the volume of applications received, status updates are not provided.
Please be sure to add "agentapp@nbpa.com" to your email address book and periodically check your spam and junk mail for our email to ensure you do not miss any communications!
Yes. Upon submission of an application, applicants will be required to make a payment of $2,000.00. Fees are processed through PayPal (with the exception of wire transfers for international applicants). Payment via cash, check or credit card is not permitted.
The breakdown of what that payment covers is as follows:
1) A $750.00 non-refundable application fee. This fee covers all expenses related to the review of your application and background investigation, as well as access to educational resources that will help you review for the agent exam.
2) Pro-rated Agent Dues of $1,250.00 for the then current NBA Season, covering you from the date of certification through June 30 of that Season. In the event you do not successfully complete the background investigation or pass the agent exam, then this amount will be refunded to you.
Failure to remit payment in a timely manner from the date your application was submitted will result in a denial of your application.
Yes, an applicant must have received a degree from an accredited four year college or university, provided that the NBPA, in its unreviewable discretion, may accept relevant negotiating experience to substitute for any year(s) of formal education.
Proof that an applicant meets the minimum education requirements must be provided in order to submit your application. If an applicant does not meet the requirements, such relevant negotiating experience must be submit with an application.
If you have not yet obtained your Bachelors degree but will have prior to the exam date, you may still apply but must provide the following:
1) Signed and dated letter from your college/university admissions office confirming your expected graduation date.
2) Current transcripts showing your active enrollment in pursuit of your degree.
3) Proof of graduation must be provided to the NBPA Legal department (legal@nbpa.com) in order to sit for the exam. Your diploma should also be provided upon receipt.
Please be advised: It is your responsibility to complete your application by providing your degree/diploma to the NBPA. Applicants will not receive reminders or requests to provide their degree.